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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

watta project in physics!!!!

Archimedes’ principle

ARCHIMEDES, a Greek philosopher, studied about buoyancy. According to a legend, Archimedes was asked by king Hieron of Syracuse to determine whether his crown was made of pure gold or mixed with a less expensive metal. Thos was so big task for Archimedes that he was thinking of it all the time. He found the answer while he was taking a bath in the tub. Because of his great excitement, he ran in the streets shouting “EUREKA” , a great word meaning of “I found it”. He performed experiments and calculations and came up with what is now called “ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE”
“The buoyant force of fluid on an object is equal to the weight of fluid the object is displaces”.

Archimedes’ principle applies to object that sink or float. An object sinks if its weight is greater than the buoyant force, however, it floats if its weight is less than buoyant force.

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